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The Simons Collaboration on Extreme Electrodynamics of Compact Sources (SCEECS) is a Simons Collaboration in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences commencing Sept 1, 2023.


The initial program is scheduled to run until August 31, 2027.


Participating institutions are Caltech, Columbia University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Illinois State University, Princeton University, Stanford University, Tel Aviv University, University of Arizona, University of California at Santa Cruz, University of Paris, University of Maryland, University of Texas, San Antonio,  University of Toronto, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Washington University at St Louis.



  •  To explore extreme electrodynamics through neutron stars and black holes using theory, simulation, and observation

  •  To educate and foster a new and diverse generation of researchers with translatable skills and experience

  •  To connect with scientists working in related fields.

  •  To provide far-reaching public outreach




Collaboration Director: Roger D. Blandford

Collaboration Deputy Director: Alexander (Sasha) Philippov

Collaboration Manager: Andrea Davies

Collaboration Members:



Much of our research program is prosecuted using sophisticated simulations that have to span a huge range of scales to connect microphysics to astronomical observation.  The required quantum, and classical kinetic approaches, fluid-based approaches, and phenomenology. Sasha Philippov coordinates our computing program.


Related Research

The research program has strong connections to several related fields including observational high-energy astrophysics, general relativity, gravitational radiation, experiments at advanced light sources, quantum electrodynamics, fusion plasma physics, and nuclear physics. Relationships to each of these fields are being actively developed.​



Address: SCEECS, 452 Lomita Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-4085



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